Children F1rst

The Children F1rst is a program initiated by the Educational Service of CINANIMA, with the support of the General Directorate of Education – National Cinema Plan. This initiative, created in 2016 by the Educational Service of CINANIMA, is one of the most relevant activities in the field of education, precisely because it promotes active cultural formation.

Interrupted in the academic year 2019/2022 and returning strongly in the academic year 2022/23.

With a team of animation film trainers and directors, it produces animated films in Preschools (5 years old) and Primary Schools. This initiative encompasses all the different stages and processes of animation production and is therefore structured with project methodology and animated image didactics.

Developing an educational practice through project methodology signifies teachers’ concern in building meaningful learning for their students. In the field of education, project methodology is typically understood as the organization of the teaching and learning process around significant practical activities. Animation cinema consistently evokes fascination and familiarity among children, immersing them in the world of magic, imagination, and play. An emotional connection is established from the outset, facilitating their attention to the teaching and learning processes. The aim is to harness these stimuli as educational potential to construct a strategy that fosters in each student the ability to develop learning within a motivating, participatory, and collaborative space.

Animation cinema has its own language, which is simultaneously aesthetic, technological, scientific, historical, narrative, audiovisual, among many others. It is, therefore, a multidisciplinary language that operates at the boundaries of various areas of knowledge and which, in the school curriculum of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education (and also in Preschool for 5-year-olds), translates into presence in Portuguese, Mathematics, Environmental Studies, and Expressions.

In this sense, the use of animation image didactics promotes a better understanding of school contents, their active, meaningful, diversified, integrated, and socializing integration, resulting in better outcomes.

Work with students is organized into four stages:

  • Animation principles;
  • Plot construction;
  • Character, scenery construction, and voice and sound capture;
  • Frame-by-frame image capture.

*At the end of the school year, the films are submitted to over 20 International Animation Film Festivals for competition.

Screening cinema session of the films produced in the Children’s Prime1ro activity These sessions close the annual cycle of each Children’s Prime1ro program, offering students, parents, and other family members and project assisting teachers the opportunity to see the films they have made on the big screen of a cinema.

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