48th Festival
Family Sessions

location-marker 11h00 | Centro Multimeios - Sala António Gaio

Mini Micro Programme

Curated by Casa da Animação

Le Trop Petit Prince

A little and very nice boy spends his day trying to clean up the sun which is dirty… he finally manages to do so. Well, he almost does!

Direction: Zoia Trofimova
Production: Patrick Eveno, Jacques-Rémy Girerd, Folimage
Script: Zoia Trofimova
Music: Eugueni Galperine
Sound: Loïc Burkhardt 

France . 0:07:30 . 2001 . 2D Animation

The Goose

L’oie Du Plus Fort

A boy fantasizes about becoming a famous footballer, playing in big stadiums – but first he has to win a match in a small backyard against a goose!

Direction: Jan Mika
Production: Michal Podhradsky – Animation People, Nicolas Schmerkin – Autour de Minuit
Script: Jan Mika
Music: Viliam Béreš
Sound: Mirek Šmilauer 

Czech Republic, France . 0:12:33 . 2022. 3D Computer

The Monk and the Fish

Le Moine et le Poisson

A monk discovers a fish in a water reservoir near a monastery. He becomes obsessed with the fish and tries everything to catch it. Gradually the story becomes more symbolic.

Direction: Michael Dudok de Wit
Production: Patrick Eveno, Jacques-Remy Girerd
Script: Michael Dudok de Wit
Music: Serge Besset 

France . 0:06:30 . 1994 . Drawing on paper, painting animation

A Tiger with no Stripes

Le Tigre Sans Rayures

A little tiger decides to embark on a long journey hoping to find his stripes.

Direction: Raúl ‘Robin’ Morales Reyes
Production: Reginald de Guillebon, Nicolas Burlet, Pierre Méloni, Folimage Studio 
Music: Yan Volsy

France . 0:08:40 . 2018 . 2D Animation

The Elephant’s Bike

Le Vélo de L'élephant

An elephant lives in the city among normal people and works as a sweeper. One day, he sees a huge billboard advertising a bicycle that looks like it fits him perfectly. From that moment on, the elephant’s life changes: he has to get that bike at all costs!

Direction: Olesya Shchukina
Production: Corinne Destombes, Folimage
Music: Yan Volsy
Sound: Philippe Fontaine

France . 0:09:00 . 2014 . Cut-outs

location-marker 15h30 | Centro Multimeios - Sala António Gaio

Children Programme Short Films >3

Curated by CINANIMA

A Pet

Домашен любимец

When a girl, who needs some company and more attention, dreams of having a pet, she tries to have her parents’ attention to make her dream come true …. But at one point, she finds a solution to her problem herself…

Direction: Nastimir Tzatchev
Production: Nastimir Tzatchev 
Script: Vera Doneva

Bulgaria . 0:07:42 . 2020 . 2D Computer

KOYAA - Jumpy Eraser

KOYAA - Poskočna Radirka

Koyaa is feeling creative, he’s drawing some fluffy bunnies. Mr Raven is nearby, building his new birdhouse. Koyaa frames his picture and starts cleaning up, which makes the eraser dart off like a hopping bunny, bouncing all over the place. It’s erasing stuff as it goes, including the Raven’s blueprints! Koyaa needs to catch it – the faster the better.

Direction: Kolja Saksida
Production: Kolja Saksida – ZVVIKS 

Slovenia . 0:02:45 . 2019 . Puppet stop-motion


Pip, a young puppy, goes to Canine University to learn to become a guide dog. However, the journey is not so easy.

Direction: Bruno Simões
Production: Laia Alomar
Script: David Kilgo, Richard Mather, Leslie Rowe
Music: Aurélien Vieira Lino
Sound: Bruno Oliveira 

Spain . 0:04:00 . 2018 .  3D Animation

Patchwork: Flamingo

Der Flamingo Auf Meiner Schmusedecke

Patchwork Flamingo has a problem: He´s all twisted! Will the Patchwork Pals find a way to help him?

Direction: Angela Steffen
Production: Thomas Meyer-Hermann, Studio FILM BILDER GmbH
Script: Julia Ocker, An Vrombaut
Music: Claudia Kaiser, Martin Lickleder
Sound: Andreas Mühlschlegel

Germany . 00:03:54 . 2019 . 2D Animation

Fox Tale

A hungry fox wanted an easy-to-reach treat. Of course, when she sees the last red fruit on a tree she thinks she will finally be satisfied. But it won’t be an easy task.

Direction: Alexandra Allen
Production: XS Films 
Script: Alexandra Allen, Sara Allen

Portugal . 0:06:00 . 2022 . 2D Animation

Animanimals: Sloth


The sloth wants to buy ice cream, but unfortunately he is way too slow.

Direction: Julia Ocker
Production: Thomas Meyer-Hermann, Studio FILM BILDER GmbH
Script: Julia Ocker
Music and Sound: Christian Heck, Sumophonic 

Germany . 0:03:37 . 2017  . 2D Animation


In this hilarious 2D & 3D animated short, a clean-up neat-freak octopus uses all of his tentacles trying to reach what he’s aiming for.

Direction:Joost van den Bosch, Erik Verberk
Production: Ka-Ching Cartoons Animation Studio 

Netherlands . 0:02:20 . 2020 . 2D and 3D Animation


When a fire starts at Joe’s building, endangering everyone’s lives, his guide dog Ace risks his own life in order to save the day.

Direction: Bruno Simões
Production: Carlota Pou, Studio Kimchi
Script: Titus Herman
Music: Aurélien Vieira Lino
Sound: Bruno Oliveira

Spain . 0:05:47 . 2024 . 3D Computer

The Ice Cream Man

Ο Παγωτατζής

And if the temperatures have hit “red” these days with the heat, ice cream is an ideal, cool companionship. Not only as a summer treat, but also as… a song!

Direction: Katerina Pantela
Production: Katerina Pantela 
Music: Giorgos Hatzipiera, Sofia Papazoglou

Cyprus . 0:03:27 . 2019 . 2D Animation

To Be Sisters

Entre Deux Soeurs

In their world, two sisters make one. The older one gives the younger one a hand, and together they did everything. When the younger one is able to move around without her big sister one day, it becomes clear what inclusion can lead to.

Direction: Anne-Sophie Gousset, Clément Céard
Production: Folimage 
Script: Anne-Sophie Gousset

France . 0:07:20 . 2022 . 2D Animation


Short animation about a girl with ADD and her nerve-racking first day in the bus to school. How do you survive such a day when you have trouble making contact with other people?

Direction: Narjes Mohammadi, Hajar Mehrani
Production: Narjes Mohammadi, Hajar Mehrani
Music: Maryam Chalesh
Sound: Hossein Ghorchian

Netherlands . 0:05:00 . 2022 . 2D Animation

location-marker 15h30 | Auditório Casino Espinho

Children Programme - Imaxinaria Festival

Curated by Imaxinaria Festival Internacional de Cine de Animación

Carte Blanche To “Imaxinaria”

Animation cinema knows no limits, hence its ability to surprise us in its most diverse manifestations. This is the aspect that best defines us at IMAXINARIA – Afundación International Animation Festival (A Coruña), that is, the interest in animation in all its diversity. In this sense, children’s animation is no exception, besides offering the possibility of forming new audiences and new consciences. That is why we take the same care with our children’s programs.

In this collaboration with CINANIMA, we are glad to offer a selection of titles that will serve as a summary of the two editions of our young festival. Here are the respective winners of each year: the French “Boom” (IMAXINARIA’23) and the Danish “The Swineherd” (IMAXINARIA’24). Both titles mark only the starting point of our anthology, to which we add five more creations that exemplify the diversity mentioned above. Whether with the traditional Stop-motion technique or through current digital procedures, we find stories that will make us laugh, dream, learn and, above all, fall in love with animation once again. 

Severiano Casalderrey
IMAXINARIA – Festival Internacional de Animação Afundación (A Coruña)

The Goose

L’oie Du Plus Fort

A boy fantasizes about becoming a famous footballer, playing in big stadiums – but first he has to win a match in a small backyard against a goose.

Direction: Jan Míka
Production: Michal Podhradsky – Animation People, Nicolas Schmerkin – Autour de Minuit
Script: Jan Míka
Music: Viliam Béreš

Czech Republic, France . 0:12:33 . 2022 . 3D Computer


Old stories tell of a Desert Guardian called Ahru, a secret master that can take on the form of many animals. Anyone brave enough to confront him will learn the secrets of his Art. But first she will need to hunt him down.

Direction: Leandro Martínez
Production: Leandro Martínez 
Script: Leandro Martínez
Music: Amor

Argentina . 0:04:28 . 2023 . Colour, digital cel animation


A couple of dumb birds tries its best to protects its eggs from a volcano eruption.

Direction: Gabriel Augerai, Romain Augier, Laurie Pereira de Figueiredo, Charles Di Cicco, Yannick Jacquin
Production: École des Nouvelles Images 
Script: Gabriel Augerai, Romain Augier, Laurie Pereira de Figueiredo, Charles Di Cicco, Yannick Jacquin
Music: Mathis Marchal

France . 0:05:36 . 2022 . 3D Computer

Children Award Imaxinaria 2023


Scrubby loves his mum and loves to curl up and snuggle in his mum’s fur. But one day his mother starts to lose her fur until she sheds it completely. But Scrubby still has his beautiful natural coat and maybe it can be enough for both of them. 

Direction: Paul Vollet
Production: Paulina Larson, Johannes Lübke – Filmakademie Baden Württemberg 
Sound: Niklas Menschik, Jonathan Rösch

Germany . 0:07:00 . 2023 . 3D Animation

The Christmas Tree School

Cactus works as a janitor at the Christmas tree school. He watches their training and dreams of becoming the main symbol of the holiday himself.

Direction: Anastasia Makhlina
Production: SMF animation studio – Boris Mashkovtsev  
Script: Sergey Kapkov, Oleg Kozyrev
Music: Artem Vasiliev

Russian Federation . 0:08:07 . 2023 . Puppets

The Swineherd


Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Swineherd” as you have never seen it before! In this entirely goofy and funny version of H.C. Andersen’s famous fairy tale ‘The Swineherd’, we meet the young swineherd who sits and looks after the king’s pigs. Even though it is Christmas, the boy and the pigs are bored in the pigsty…

Direction: Magnus Igland Møller, Peter Smith
Production: Søren Fleng, Fleng Entertainment, Tumblehead production
Script: Magnus Igland Møller, Peter Smith, Søren Fleng
Music: Thomas Richard Christensen
Sound: Audiogangsters

Denmark . 0:06:34 . 2022 . 3D Computer


After witnessing an old dark stormy cloud painfully rain and die in sorrow, Noma, a puffy white cloud realizes that Mixtli, her daughter, a dark stormy cloud, is in danger of raining prematurely.

Direction: Diego Alonso Sánchez de la Barquera Estrada, Christian Arredondo Narvaez
Production: Valentin Maupin, Aristote Douroudakis, Bálint Gelly . Bella Szederkényi, Christian Arredondo Narvaez et Diego Alonso Sanchez de la Barquera Estrada
Script: Diego Alonso Sánchez de la Barquera Estrada, Christian Arredondo Narvaez
Sound: Théophane Bertuit

Mexico . 0:07:31 . 2023 . 2D Computer

location-marker 10h30 | Centro Multimeios - Sala António Gaio

Feature Film – Abah And His Band

Abah And His Band

A kingdom of fruits. A king with no strength to keep ruling. An orphan prince who does not accept his fate. A world at imminent risk. These are some of the ingredients of Abah, an adventure movie full of humor, in which we can follow the young Pineapple prince’s trajectory and his conflicts with his dreams and responsibilities. It is a story of acceptance and personal growth. A portrait of a brief moment of prince Abah’s life: a transition from his unripe childhood to the new colors of maturity.

Direction: Humberto Avelar
Production: Sílvia Fraiha – Fraiha Produções 
Script: Sylvio Gonçalves
Music and Sound: Andre Mehmari

Brazil . 1:24:00 . 2024 . 2D and 3D Computer

location-marker 15h30 | Auditório Casino Espinho

Juvenile Programme

Curated by Casa da Animação


A heartfelt short film directed by Mathieu Labaye, dedicated to honouring the memory of his father, Benoit Labaye. This deeply touching cinematic piece celebrates the essence of the human body and the power of movement, while also delving into the profound implications when the freedom to move is unjustly taken away.

Direction: Mathieu Labaye
Production: Camera-etc ASBL, Wallonie Image Production
Script: Mathieu Labaye
Music: Mathieu Labaye, Fabian Fiorini
Sound: Grégory Beaufays

Belgium, France  . 0:09:30 . 2008 . Photo, 3D animation, other

Oh Mother!

Oh Matko!

Mother and son are changing places and roles constantly: once, the mother is an adult, sometimes the son matures and takes care of a suddenly childish mother. The arrangement works fine, until the boy decides to escape from under the skirt of the overprotective mother and start an independent life.

Direction: Paulina Ziółkowska
Production: Fumi Studio 2017
Music: Tomasz Opałka
Sound: Piotr Majeran

Poland . 0:12:15 . 2017 . Drawing, 2D animation


Under a gloomy sun, two characters look for adaptation.

Direction: Alexandra Ramires (Xá)
Production: David Doutel, Rodrigo Areias, Bando à Parte, Laurence Reymond, Providences
Script: Alexandra Ramires (Xá), Regina Guimarães
Music: Nicolas Tricot
Sound: Jérome Petit 

Portugal, France . 0:11:00 . 2020 . 2D digital and traditional

Midnight’s Garden

The moon shines, a young couple plays in the forest. Their game leads them to an unfamiliar garden, in the middle of a clearing. Unaware of danger, the young lovers enter the maze of a garden at midnight. Little by little, they are submerged by an intoxicating spell. They lose themselves in the strange labyrinth. Will they manage to break the spell that keeps them prisoner?

Direction: Benoît Chieux
Production: Ron Dyens, Benoît Chieux – Sacrebleu Productions
Script: Benoît Chieux
Music: Valentin Portron, Marceau Portron
Sound: Pierre Sauze 

France . 0:10:28 . 2016 . 2D Animation 


A digital avatar learns to move, walk and talk. Inspirational quotes from the internet drive him forward and his creators capture the process in an improvised documentary.

Direction: Nikita Diakur
Production: Nikita Diakur,  Emmanuel-Alain Raynal, Pierre Baussaron – Miyu Productions
Script: Nikita Diakur
Sound: David Kamp

Germany . 0:12:15 . 2022 .

location-marker 15h30 | Auditório Casino Espinho

Children Programme

Curated by Casa da Animação

The Great Migration

La Grande Migration

The adventures of a bird who, when winter approaches, has to fly to warmer climbs.

Direction: Youri Tcherenkov
Production: Folimage
Script: Youri Tcherenkov
Music: Serge Besset

France . 0:07:53 . 1995 . Drawing on paper

Mirim By The Lake

Miriam Järve Ääres

Miriam goes camping with her family and her chicken, on the lakeside. But a chicken was not made just for swimming and sunbathing. It was made to get in trouble.

Direction: Riho Unt, Sergei Kibus
Production: Nukufilm
Script: Leelo Tungal, Peep Pedmanson
Sound: Lux: Cage of Bones

Estonia . 0:05:00 . 2017 . Puppets

Fox Tale

A hungry fox wanted an easy-to-reach treat. Of course, when she sees the last red fruit on a tree she thinks she will finally be satisfied. But it won’t be an easy task.

Direction: Alexandra Allen
Production: XS Films 
Script: Alexandra Allen, Sara Allen

Portugal . 0:06:00 . 2022. 2D Animation

The Orchestra

In a world filled with beautiful and harmonious music, elderly Vernon always seems to strike the wrong note.

Direction: Mikey Hill
Production: Melanie Brunt
Script: Mikey Hill, Jennifer Smith
Music: Jamie Messenger
Sound: Markus Kellow 

Australia . 0:15:00 . 2015. Hand drawn

Lost Brain

Every time Louise, the crocodile, sneezes, she loses part of her brain, until she cannot perform simple tasks and becomes trapped inside her own apartment. She must find a way to rediscover the world before she fades away completely.

Direction: Isabelle Favez
Production: Nadasdy Film – Nicolas Burlet  
Script: Isabelle Favez
Music and Sound: Jérôme Vittoz

Switzerland . 0:06:00 . 2022 . 2D Computer



Expelled from the machine-week for incompetence, Sunday meets a mysterious alter ego that takes him on a contemplative stroll. At the end of a dreamlike inner journey, Sunday returns to the machine to reinvent it.

Direction: Gaël Kyriakidis, Fanny Dreyer
Production: Ciné3D Association, RTS Radio Télévision Suisse  – Samuel Guillaume, Frédéric Guillaume 
Script: Gaël Kyriakidis, Fanny Dreyer
Music: Gaël Kyriakidis
Sound: Florian Pittet 

Switzerland . 0:10:23 . 2018 . 2D Computer

location-marker 15h30 | Auditório Casino Espinho

Programme “Best of Tricks for Kids”

Curated by Internationales Trickfilmfestival Stuttgart (ITFS, Germany) and Casa da Animação

The Swineherd


Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Swineherd” as you have never seen it before! In this entirely goofy and funny version of H.C. Andersen’s famous fairy tale, we meet the young swineherd who sits and looks after the king’s pigs. Even though it is Christmas, the boy and the pigs are bored in the pigsty…

Direction: Magnus Igland Møller, Peter Smith
Production: Søren Fleng, Fleng Entertainment, Tumblehead production
Script: Magnus Igland Møller, Peter Smith, Søren Fleng
Music: Thomas Richard Christensen
Sound: Audiogangsters

Denmark . 0:06:34 . 2022 . 3D Computer

Felice Fiasco

A young Italian named Fiasco really wants to work at the biggest cathedral construction site of the Renaissance. Unfortunately, he is a clumsy little scatterbrain and breaks everything he touches.

Direction: Cécile Gardies
Production: LISAA School of Art & Design
Script: Cécile Gardies
Music: Vladimir Bouaniche 
Sound: Pablo Hayem

France . 0:07:55 . 2023 . 2D Computer



A young rhino is going on a date with a rhino lady. He’s very much looking forward to it. Hopefully, it turns out well!

Direction: Julia Ocker
Production: Studio Film Bilder GmbH
Script: Julia Ocker
Music and Sound: Christian Heck, Sumophonic

Germany . 0:03:37 . 2022. 2D Animation


After witnessing an old dark stormy cloud painfully rain and die in sorrow, Noma, a puffy white cloud realizes that Mixtli, her daughter, a dark stormy cloud, is in danger of raining prematurely.

Direction: Diego Alonso Sánchez de la Barquera Estrada, Christian Arredondo Narvaez
Production: Valentin Maupin, Aristote Douroudakis, Bálint Gelly . Bella Szederkényi, Christian Arredondo Narvaez et Diego Alonso Sanchez de la Barquera Estrada
Script: Diego Alonso Sánchez de la Barquera Estrada, Christian Arredondo Narvaez
Sound: Théophane Bertuit

Mexico . 0:07:31 . 2023. 2D Computer


Scrubby loves his mum and loves to curl up and snuggle in his mum’s fur. But one day his mother starts to lose her fur until she sheds it completely. But Scrubby still has his beautiful natural coat and maybe it can be enough for both of them. 

Direction: Paul Vollet
Production: Paulina Larson, Johannes Lübke – Filmakademie Baden Württemberg 
Sound: Niklas Menschik, Jonathan Rösch

Germany . 0:07:00 . 2023 . 3D Animation

Forza, Rea!

In a hill-side village in Ticino, Rea wants to deliver a love letter to her crush. With her roller skates on, she rolls her way to her house. Before she can deliver the letter, however, it flies away downhill through the town. Rea embarks on a breakneck tumble through the village to catch the letter…

Direction: Isabel Pahud, Isabel Clerici, Laura Zimmermann, Polina Tyrsa
Production: HSLU Studienbereich BA Animation Hochschule Luzern – Design Film Kunst – Gerd Gockell
Script: Isabel Pahud
Music: Laura Zimmermann, Caroline Laville
Sound: Etienne Kompis

Switzerland . 0:03:00 . 2024 . 2D Computer

My Home Has A Lot Of Windows

“My Home has a lot of Windows” is a series that follows the adventures of the tiny Lulu in the infinite building she lives in. In each episode, Lulu will be challenged by her father, the building’s doorman, to help him with some task. While doing her chores, Lulu will meet a new neighbour and learn how they live their loneliness.

Direction: Leonor Faria Henriques
Production: Leonor Faria Henriques  
Script: Leonor Faria Henriques

Portugal . 0:05:00 . 2023 . 2D Animation

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