Children F1rst 2023/24 wins 3 awards and was selected for 35 festivals 🏆

Throughout 2024, of the four films produced as part of the Children F1rst project (2023/2024), the short films ‘Patolino’ (AEMGA – Espinho, with trainers Carolina Bonzinho and Inês Costa), ‘How was School Then and Now’ (AEJSC – S. J. Madeira, with trainers Ema Lavrador and Leonor Henrique), ‘Soup Holliday’ (AESMB – Serzedo, with trainers Carolina Bonzinho and Inês Costa) and ‘Our Relvinhas’ Life’ (Escola Básica da Relva, in Esmoriz, with trainers Ema Lavrador and Leonor Henriques) won 3 prizes at festivals in Canada and Portugal, out of a total of 35 selections at national and international festivals.

The short film ‘Patolino’ was selected for 11 festivals, ‘Soup Holliday’ for 10 festivals and ‘Our Relvinha’s Life’ and ‘How was School Then and Now’ were selected for 7 festivals.

‘Patolino’ won the “Best Animation award – Youth Video Contest at Freeze Frame International Film Festival for Kids of All Ages” and the Best Children’s Animated Short Film award at Manifest – Mafra Animation Film Festival. The short film ‘How was School Then and Now’ won an Honourable Mention and a prize at the ‘Ação. 10!’, as part of the ENCONTROS / Viana Film Festival.

Children F1rst is an initiative aimed at primary school children, as part of the FRAME – Watching and Making Animated Cinema.


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