I am Jury

Every year, the I Am a Jury initiative brings together pre-school, primary, secondary and high school students from the FRAME project’s partner schools to give them a little training and learning on important aspects to take into account when evaluating an animated film. The team of trainers includes CINANIMA members with experience in the field of animated cinema and festival programming, as well as trainers and teachers from the artistic and multimedia fields: Manuel Matos Barbosa, Isabel Couto, Pedro Perez, João Católico and Paulo Fernandes.

The I Am Jury event took place on 25 November 2023, as part of the Festival, at the Solário Atlântico swimming pool. The youth jury team learned how to select one film per category. The announcement of the winners will take place at a Children’s First Screening Session at the Centro Multimeios de Espinho, a way of celebrating one year of the FRAME project’s activity.

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