This initiative takes place annually at CINANIMA and includes cinema sessions with three film programs selected by the CINANIMA programming team for preschool, as well as for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd cycles and secondary education students. The presence of numerous students from various schools extends to the artistic installations throughout the Festival, including exhibitions and other playful-pedagogical activities that take place throughout the Festival week.
Through a selected film program for each age group of students, the aim is to foster interest in cinema, animation, and art.
The animation cinema sessions for the younger ones are accompanied by Exploration Guides, sent in advance to each visiting school, one for each level of education. This educational resource contains the film program and respective technical sheets and synopses, the techniques used in each of the films, and a set of activities for teachers to engage with students before and/or after the sessions.
Students also receive the “Jornal da Pequenada”, whose illustration work is entrusted, from year to year, to a distinguished figure in Portuguese animation cinema.
For more information, contact us via email at [email protected]
2025. CINANIMA 24. All rights reserved
Made with passion ❤ by CIRCLETEC