
Family Sessions

Every year, during the Festival’s week, CINANIMA prepares screenings specially tailored for the whole family!

At CINANIMA, we believe that animated cinema knows no age and is an art that can enchant and inspire all generations.

In our family sessions, we strive to offer a diverse selection of films that promote values such as imagination, creativity, and cultural diversity. We aim to provide moments of fun, reflection, and sharing among parents, children, grandparents, and grandchildren. Come along, everyone!

From timeless classics to the latest productions, our program is carefully crafted to ensure there’s something for every taste and age. From the little ones to the grown-ups, everyone is invited to embark on this magical journey through the world of animation.

Moreover, family sessions are a unique opportunity to strengthen family bonds, stimulate the imagination of the youngest, and spark an interest in cinema as a form of artistic expression.

Be part of this tradition that has endured for years at CINANIMA and bring the whole family to enjoy the best of animated cinema in a warm and familiar environment!

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