
The Best of Estern Animation'

monday, 13 november | 16H00
Curated by  Igor Prassel | ANIMATEKA Festival – Slovenia

Crododile – Krokodill
Direction: Kaspar Jancis | Estonia | 00:16:38 | 2009
Ex opera singer works as a Crocodile in a shopping center. Until a femme fatale arrives.

Direction: Michaela Müller | Croatia |  00:08:00 | 2009
A look at life on the Mediterranean borders of Europe, where tourists try to relax while “illegal” immigrants struggle for a chance to a better life.

The Last Bus
Direction: Ivana Laucikova and Martin Snopek | Slovakia | 00:16:00 | 2011 
It’s the start of the hunting season. The animals of the forest board a small bus and flee to safety. When hunters stop the bus in the middle of the night, its passengers reveal their true natures in fear for their lives.

Direction: Špela Čadež | Slovakia, Croatia| 00:08:45 | 2016
Attempting to remove an unresponsive badger from a dark road, a police patrol soon realizes that the animal is not dead but rather dead drunk. Things take an even stranger turn when the creature wakes up.

The Box
Direction: Dusan Kastelic | Slovenia | 00:12:12 | 2017
You have probably heard of the phrase “To think outside of the box”? Well, this is a story about such a box. The box is full of miserable creatures. One of those creatures doesn’t belong there. He’s thinking outside of the box.

Average Hapiness 
Direction: Maja Gehrig | Switzerland| 00:07:20 | 2019
During a PowerPoint presentation, statistical diagrams are breaking free from the strait-jacket of their coordinates. A trip into the sensual world of statistics begins. Pie charts are melting, arrow diagrams twisting, scatter plots, bar graphs and stock market curves join in a collective climax.

A View from the Mediterranean
tuesday, 14 november| 14H00
Curated by Maria Anestopoulou, Vassilis Karamitsanis –  Animasyros Festival – Greece

Hellenic Places: Hermoupolis
Directio: Charalambos Margaritis | Greece | 00: 17:25 |  2021
The city of Hermoupolis, capital of Syros is located at the center of the Cyclades, in the Aegean Sea, in Greece. In its history one finds all the elements that shaped contemporary Greece. This is an animated documentary telling its story.

Directio: Chrysoula Korovesi, Marios Gampierakis  | Greece | 00:05:54 | 2021  
A canary is born in captivity amongst other caged birds. A coal miner is experiencing the hardships and risk of everyday labour. The two of them will meet and form a special bond of companionship and solidarity, vital to their existence in this harsh environment under the surface of the earth. Until a violent incident will rupture their routine and awaken them.  

Where Are You Now?
Directio: Eneos Çarka | Albania | 00:08:06 | 2020
A father sends well-wishing voice messages to his son confined in self-isolation far away from home during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Directio: Joan Zhonga | Albania/Greece | 00:14:20
The different skin colours of the multicoloured creatures cause their peaceful coexistence to gradually collapse under the weight of discrimination and jealousy – despite the fact that their similarities far outweigh their differences. Survival, clash and symbiosis go side by side; all accompanied by bursts of joy and pain as a result of man’s internal need to find and exaggerate differences when similarities are obviously greater.

Directio: Fabrizio Ellul | Malta |00:06:57 | 2019
‘Filfla’ follows the story of a woman who goes to look for a boy on the mystical island of Filfla, where a terrifying creature is lurking in its midst. The short animation explores Maltese myth and folk in a story of love, grief, perseverance and hope.

The Parrot Lady
Direction: Michalis Kalopaidis | Cyprus | 00:06:45 | 2020
‘The parrot lady’ is inspired by a true story. The film works as an artistic interpretation of a woman’s life who chose to live on the streets with her parrots, afraid of dying alone in her home.

Direction: Christina Sachpazidou | Cyprus | 00:05:26 | 2022
The film follows Yellow, who wakes up one night and starts their adventure to a new day’s dawn.

Guest School: HKU University of the Arts
wednesday, 15 de novembro | 14H00
Gust School: HKU University of the Arts, Utrecht – Netherlands- With Lauri Kramer, Egbert de Ruiter

Growing up
Direction: Brent van den Hoven & Dirk Lemmers | Netherlands | 00:05:08                           

Paralysed Nights 
Direction: Anna koppen | Netherlands | 00:04:08

Direction: Damiet Anijs | Netherlands | 00:05:54

Direction: Nahuel Garcia | Netherlands | 00:03:44

Direction: Sanna de Vries | Netherlands | 00:03:23

Gajin Sashimi
Direction: Erik Vos | Netherlands | 00:05:02

Thanks goodbye
Direction: David Mohrman | Netherlands | 00:03:28    

Direction: Lise van der Gaag | Netherlands | 00:04:15

Direction: Quita Felix | Netherlands | 00:05:33

Flower found
Direction: Jorn Leeuwerink | Netherlands | 00:06:46                           

Direction: Alexander Bierling & Owen  Buckley | Netherlands | 00:08:24

De Golf
Direction: Mahmood Shakuri | Netherlands | 00:03:44

From the North
thursday, 16 november | 14H00
Curadoria de  Anders Narverud Moen | Fredrikstad Festival – Noruega

Realização: Robin Jensen | Noruega | 0:11:00 | 2019 
Um homem, uma mulher e um moedor de carne. O amor é confuso. 

Vidas Inertes
Realização: Elli Vuorinen | Finlândia | 0:06:00 | 2019
Still Lives é uma animação experimental em stop motion experimental . O conceito de quietude ocupada é explorado a partir de vários pontos de vista, enquanto artefactos de museus de todo o mundo refletem sobre os sobre os desafios mundanos da vida moderna em sete cenas distintas.

O Fardo
Realização: Niki Lindroth Von Bahr | Suécia | 0:14:00 | 2016
Um musical sombrio encenado num mercado moderno, situado junto a uma grande autoestrada. Os empregados dos vários espaços comerciais lidam com o tédio e a ansiedade existencial através de alegres reviravoltas musicais. O apocalipse é um libertador apetecível.

O Guardador de Porcos
Realização: Magnus Igland Møller, Peter Smit | Dinamarca | 0:06:34 | 2023
‘O Guardador de Porcos’ de Hans Christian Andersen como nunca foi visto antes! Nesta versão totalmente pateta e divertida do famoso conto de fadas, conhecemos o jovem guardador de porcos que se senta e toma conta dos porcos do rei. Apesar de ser Natal, o rapaz e os porcos estão aborrecidos na pocilga.

Sim Pessoas
Realização: Gísli Darri Halldórsson | Islândia | 0:08:25 | 2020
Numa manhã, uma mistura eclética de pessoas enfrenta a batalha do dia a dia – como o trabalho, a escola e a lavagem da loiça. À medida que o dia avança, as suas relações são postas à prova e, em última análise, a sua capacidade de lidar com a situação.

O Capitão Do Porto
Realização: Mia Ludvigsen Henriksen, Konrad Hjemli | Noruega | 0:07:00 | 2022 
O filme  conta a história do cisne titular e de como ele passou de um ícone amado numa pequena cidade a um criminoso procurado.

Mães em Chamas
Realização: Joanna Rytell | Suécia | 0:13:00 | 2016
Pouco antes de darem à luz, duas mulheres têm o humor no fundo do poço.   Agora seria altura certa para se divertirem, mas o que  podem fazer quando se está – novamente – grávida? Até a masturbação já não é uma opção nesta altura e até o namorado é para esquecer. A situação é insuportável.

Guest School: KASK & Conservatorium Ghent
friday, 17 november | 14H00
Guest School: KASK & Conservatorium, Ghent – Belgium – Com Britt Raes, Mai Calon

Danse Macabre 
Direction: Rune Callewaert | Belgium | 0:03:22 | 2023
During a disturbing night in the ruins of a cathedral, some skeletons come out of their graves to dance in a way that only skeletons can dance. A stop motion essay based on Camille Saint-Saëns’ “dance macabre”.

Direction: Julian Arias | Belgium | 0:04:22 | 2019
Surrounded by mist you are lost. Time and space vanish, and all that remains are fragments of sound and images, of a story, of a dream or of a memory.

3 Women
Direction: Katchatrian Alisa | Belgium | 0:06:01 | 2020
In a dystopian world, three women share their life paths until they no longer do.

Direction: Capucine Muller | Belgium | 0:12:23 | 2019
In difficulties with an unknown language and struggling with the locals, follow the adventures of a french girl who just moved in a country called Dutchgaria.

Body of Earth 
Direction: Esin Güler | Belgium | 0.04:45 | 2021
“Body of Earth” is a motion graphics project to praise our Planet Earth. The artist wanted to create a graphic style that resembled nature in an abstract way.

Icarus Project 
Direction: Lauren Rolly | Belgium | 0:05:06 | 2022
Scientists walk around in protective suits. They are captivated by different species of birds that roam freely on the research grounds.

Like Drops on a Bed of Ember 
Direction: Juliette Pons | Belgium | 0:09:00 | 2023
A mesh of brave figurines advances towards cracked lips a grinding smile, a glowing fever the outlines of their shadows oscillate their bodies at rest, pushed forward by an arm fade like drops on a bed of embers

Would You Please?
Realização: Ada Güvenir | Belgium | 0:04:31 | 2020
A modern day love story, on the right time but in the wrong place.

Mellan Vacío
Direction: Noa Bromley | Belgium | 0:04:31 | 2020
A lonely creature in an underground tram station.

Head Body Tail 
Direction: Théo Collie | Belgium | 00:09:00 | 2023
A shadow parade where countless figures march into a chaotic spectacle.

From the Heart of the Balkans: A Creative Journey
saturday, 17 november | 16H00

The Cake
Direction: Daniel Šuljić | Croatia | 00:08:15 | 2010
A group of people are celebrating, sitting around the table. The celebration cake is served, but unevenly divided among them.

Direction: Ivan Bogdanov | Bulgaria, Croatia | 00:16:07 | 2012
When did you last talk with your father? Will you ever ask him about those things that hurt you?

Demonstration of Brilliance in Four Acts 
Direction: Lucija Mrzljak and Morten Tšinakov | Croatia | 00:14:00 | 2018
The people are waiting for someone special. Someone special is born – a grown-up man in a suit. They follow the man and cheer for his theatrical but utterly pointless performances. In the middle of one performance he makes a mistake and the people who have so far adored him, leave. Left alone, he meets a woman who is made for him. The theatrical performances continue…

Remember How I Used to Tide a White Horse 
Direction: Ivana Bošnjak Volda and Thomas Johnson Volda | Croatia | | 00:10:00 | 2023 
A waitress goes about her daily routine serving coffee whilst having thoughts of escaping her reality. A costumer is constantly recording and listening back to the surrounding sounds of the café and is completely fixated by this task. Apathy is a condition that leads consciousness into stagnation, but do either of them realise that they are themselves examples of this condition?

Musical Traumas 
Direction: Miloš Tomić | Serbia | 00:10:00 | 2018
Musical Traumas came to fruition as the result of the director’s obsession with music schools. It is a rhythmic compilation of traumatic, but amusing confessions of former students, as well as an attempt to visualise music with scrumptious, hand-drawn animation. The experiences may be documentary, but the image comes straight from the world of musical impressions.

Direction: Nikola Majdak Jr and Ana Nedeljkovic | Serbia | 00:09:00 | 2018
A girl lives in an isolated country, enclosed by a huge wall. She has never traveled anywhere, but all her life she has dreamed of leaving forever for a perfect world called Abroad.

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